Using Pupillometry to Validate a KSA-Mitigated Model of Cognitive Processes
Graphic Literacy, Index of Cognitive Activity, KSA-mitigated Effort, Pupillometry, Total Cognitive EffortAbstract
A model of cognition and a construct, such as a concept map (Wilson, 2009), is critical in designing assessments of that construct. The Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) in the construct must be put to use in order to assess what test takers know and can do (National Research Council, 2001). In order to validate a construct map for graphic literacy, a model of cognitive processes involving exerted cognitive effort and the mitigating effects of KSAs is explored. Data from pupillometry was used to quantify cognitive effort so that the KSA-mitigated model of cognition could be validated along with the construct map of cognitive processes related to graphic literacy and its assessment.
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