Identifying Enemy Item Pairs using Natural Language Processing

Identifying Enemy Item Pairs using Natural Language Processing


  • Senior Research Scientist, Pearson VUE
  • Senior Manager, Measurement and Testing, Examinations, National Council of State Boards of Nursing


Cosine Similarity, Enemy Items, Item Banking, Natural Language, Processing, Text Indexing


Natural Language Processing (NLP) offers methods for understanding and quantifying the similarity between written documents. Within the testing industry these methods have been used for automatic item generation, automated scoring of text and speech, modeling item characteristics, automatic question answering, machine translation, and automated referencing. This paper presents research into the use of NLP for the identification of enemy and duplicate items to improve the maintenance of test item banks. Similar pairs of items can be identified using NLP, limiting the number of items content experts must review to identify enemy and duplicat items. Results from multiple testing programs show that previousely unidentified enemy pairs can be discovered with this method.


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How to Cite

Becker, K. A., & Kao, S.- chuan. (2022). Identifying Enemy Item Pairs using Natural Language Processing. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 23, 41–52. Retrieved from





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